Thanks, again, for Shane Parrish at Farnam Street for turning me on to General Stanley McChrystal’s memoir: My Share of the Task.
Here are a few of the 16 Leadership Lessons with my quick application to the For Impact world:
- 1. Leadership is the single biggest reason for success or failure.
- Totally agree! Not just internal leadership on funding initiatives but external leadership/champions!
- 2. Leadership is difficult to measure.
- McChrystal says, “Leadership is the art of influencing others.” Not about giving an order or managing. In my world, leadership is measured by impact and results.
- 4. Leaders take us to where we’d otherwise not go.
- It’s the whole ‘VISION’ thing. And, attitude.
- 8. The best leaders are genuine.
- In this case, leadership is the same as sales presentations … both require absolute authenticity.
- 16. Leadership is a choice.
- Here’s his quote: “A leader decides to accept responsibility for others in a way that assumes stewardship of their hopes, their dreams, and sometimes their very lives.”