Today is the day to remember the sacrifice and contribution of all who served in the military.
If you have a chance, thank a military person today. Better yet, see if you can hire a recent veteran.
*I just read that one-third of all ‘homeless’ are military vets. If you can help them through your local shelter, do so. If you don’t know where to help, I’d recommend supporting Chris Megison at Solutions for Change, a For Impact org leading the way in solving this problem.
Note: My dad was a Marine in World War II, serving in the Pacific and engaged in many of the ‘Battle Islands’. My brother Mike is a Marine (no ex-Marines), and flew helicopters during his time in service.
I spent my tour (after Notre Dame) as an Infantry Officer at Fort Benning, Georgia. (Missed Vietnam by one class of Infantry Officer Basic Course Graduates. Simple luck of the draw.) I went through Airborne and Pathfinder, jumped out of planes and helicopters, and was one of the few ROTC Graduates to become a Tactical Officer at O.C.S. (Officer Candidate School). From a leadership/lessons learned perspective, hard to match what Army Infantry provided. Still with me 40 years later.