Sales Model
The Sales Model is the way of thinking, culture and attitude focused on getting out to sell your impact.
At 30,000′: Sales Culture/Attitude
- Sales Team & Culture. The very idea of a sales TEAM is radical for most organizations. Who’s on your sales team?
- Simplicity and Speed. Simple presentation, simple tools, simple ask, act now.
- Celebration! We can’t tell you how many organizations we see that don’t have ANY IDEA how to celebrate. Live a little, people!
- Audacity. YES we’re asking on the proverbial “first date” because we aren’t here to cultivate, we’re here to save and change lives.
- Motivation. Constant! From leadership and from each other. There’s a reason why the motivational/personal development industry is a $26B sector!
At 14,000′: Sales Strategy
- Goals. Team first; individual goals support the team goals.
- No silos! When you see a SALES-DRIVEN funding operation you DON’T see a planned giving officer, a major gifts officer, and a principal gifts director. You DON’T see people assigned to different projects. You see ONE TEAM, the members of which can sell ANY PROJECT.
- Clear Message, Clear Math. It’s impossible to imagine a high-functioning TEAM if we can’t imagine what the ask looks like. It’s got to be clear, simple, repeatable.
- Metrics. We get what we measure.
- Master Prospect List. This is the SACRED driver for your operation. It’s the ONE list that ranks and rates your prospects in descending order of importance. HAVE a list. WORK the list.
3′: Sales Execution
- Listening
- Engaging
- Authenticity
- O3: Stands for “Out Of the Office.” People are not sitting around. They’re OUT OF THE OFFICE making visits, telling the story, selling the vision.
Other Attributes:
- SFP. A belief in the self-fulfilling prophecy. Write down goals. Get clarity. Make them happen.
- Persistence. Period.
- No rules. At least not conventional development rules – like the idea that you have to visit seven times before you ask.
- Infectious enthusiasm of/from EVERY sales team member. You believe you’re changing the world or you don’t. Those who don’t bring other people UP — elevate the team — are off the bus.
- Attitude. Attitude. Attitude.