February’s WIRED magazine just came. The cover is awesome: THINK BIG. Sub-head: One Massive Idea Can Change the World. I...
In THE ALADDIN FACTOR, a great read on the power of JUST ASK, authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen...
I love it when my Rotman magazine comes from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. The...
Alert: Everyone in this For Impact world/tribe needs to read the following conversation from the Art of Dialogue in latest...
I love FAST COMPANY! I’m grateful everyday for Alan Webber and Bill Taylor for acting on their entrepreneurial instinct that...
Just in case you haven’t heard this today. Martin Luther King – I Have A Dream Speech – August 28,...
I shared the attached article from Harvard Business Review’s John Kotter (big-time leadership guru) with our Senior Team this weekend....
I recently read about a GREAT question being posed to Amazon job candidates by CEO Jeff Bezos. (“Top 25 Oddball...
I got some interesting feedback from my recent post on DO/DELEGATE/DUMP. Over the weekend, I came across a ‘Best Practice’...
I’ve been reflecting… and trying to get my life/act together for 2013. I went back to something from a 2003...
You know our FI | TSG line: Dan Pink has written this amazing book called To Sell Is Human: The...
I urge to order Dan Pink’s new book, TO SELL IS HUMAN! Go immediate to Page 155 and read about...