Great stories empower your volunteers to connect with other prospective investors. Here’s a simple test: Ask any of your Volunteer...
I was in Ireland, doing some FOR IMPACT TRAINING. Wonderful, incredible people. A country and economy that is growing, booming....
I got a note from one of the most wonderful women in the world … who, with her team, is...
I was with an organization (to remain nameless) that had a super simple message but a really bad story. In...
The story you use to maximize funding … The story that brings rock star talent to your doorstep and fully...
If you’re a follower of For Impact, you’ve heard me say (probably a hundred times), “You’re in SALES … get...
Here’s a great example straight out of a For Impact training session. During breaks, at lunch and after the training,...
Some powerful RESOURCES to help you around the concept of STORYTELLING: The Power of Story by Jim Loehr. Already mentioned...
Everything you do should be built around a STORY! As often happens, Nick and I came at this whole STORY...