A good friend of mine in Ireland (who, by the way, runs a fantastic anti-bullying program there) sent me an article from the Irish Times.
Article is written by Bono on his “friend Nelson Mandela”. Here’s the opening of the article:
- “He could charm the birds off the trees – and cash right out of wallets. He told me once how Margaret Thatcher had personally donated £20,000 to his foundation.
- “How did you do that?” I gasped. The Iron Lady, who was famously frugal, kept a tight grip on her purse.
- “I asked,” he said with a laugh. “You’ll never get what you want if you don’t ask.”
JUST ASK! We can now add Nelson Mandela to the list!
- “If you don’t ASK, you don’t get.” Gandhi
- The Bible says, “Ask and you shall receive.”
- In Hebrew, it’s “Rak B’vakaysh!! ONLY ASK!”
- “You’ll never get what you want if you don’t ask.” Nelson Mandela