Anyone making phone calls to set visits will benefit from these GREAT tips from Nicole, a
For-Impact visit-setter extraordinaire. Share these with your team to sharpen skills and boost
confidence before picking up the phone.
- Be Authentic. It’s not about following a script, but about putting it in your own words.
- Your passion shows through on the phone.
- Don’t think of the reasons why they may not give. Think of the reason they WILL give.
- You cannot play out every scenario in your head of the questions that you will receive on
the phone. Just make the call and see what happens. - It’s OK to not have all the answers and to say, “Let me find out about this.”
- It is all about the change/impact that the prospect can have on the organization.
- Your prospect may already support you and are champions for your cause. You do not need
to sell them on the cause. - Learn as you go.
- The best way to start is to pick up the phone and call.
- In case you only have a few minutes on the phone and they do not want a meeting, know
in advance the message you want the prospect to take away from your call. You may be the
only opportunity to talk about the impact/message. - Every investment has an impact.
- Never perceive you know the prospect’s capacity. Let them tell you.
- Based on your conversation, some people will be inspired to send in a check without
needing to meet. - Everyone wants to feel that they are making a difference.
- And, the more predisposition letters you send out, and the more calls you make,
the more impact it will have.