Working today with some of the best Chief Development Officers in the United States/world. I wanted to share this 12-Point...
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a great holiday season with family, friends and some solo time. 2014 can...
This will be my last post and last WOW email for 2013. And, it’s not about your organization, your team,...
A good friend of mine in Ireland (who, by the way, runs a fantastic anti-bullying program there) sent me an...
We had almost everybody to Eagle Creek last week for year-end review, 2014 goals and planning and some serious celebration!...
Jason H., a For Impact Tribe Member, shared the following graphic from Anna Vital. Click to see full size version....
I’m excited to share with you the crown jewel of the Internet. Meet Farnam Street: (Seeking wisdom by mastering the...
I thought this would be a good follow-up to Seth Godin’s thoughts on STORY. Everything you do should be built...
I get Seth Godin’s blog every day. Most of them cause me to think. Some of them give me good...
I was re-reading for the umpteenth time DO THE WORK by one of my favorite authors Steven Pressfield. Heading down...
Every year I try to share a Thanksgiving Message with our For Impact | The Suddes Group community. As I...
I did a great session with one of the finest small colleges in the world yesterday. New President. Board (and...