“What’s your elevator pitch?” The lore of the elevator pitch comes from the early days of Hollywood when one would...
Here is a deeper explanation of the power of ‘ALTITUDE’ on a visit/presentation: Always go (back) up. Nick Fellers has...
* Following are notes and thoughts to help you understand this at the conceptual level… as well as how best...
Download the Engagement Tool Template in PDF format.
SHOW. LISTEN. ENGAGE. We have pioneered the use of a simple, visual ‘ENGAGEMENT TOOL’ to replace your PowerPoint, brochures and...
Take a few hours to review last year’s RESULTS! List all of your ‘SOURCES OF REVENUE’… and the COST (EXPENSES)...
*Warning: It’s pretty easy to run down this list and blow off a number of these with a “We’ve already...
Here are 10 Action Steps, to help you ENGAGE: 1. SIMPLIFY YOUR MESSAGE. 2. BUILD YOUR FUNDING RATIONALE. 3. DO...
1. Get Something On The (Proverbial) ‘TABLE’. Here’s another of Nick’s ‘BRILLIANT’ ways to make the JUST ASK point: Just...
Here are the 9 Rules of Engagement, without any supporting text or thoughts. 1. IMPACT drives INCOME. Not the other...
“Success is a result of Good Judgement. Good Judgement is a result of Experience. Experience is a result of Bad...