Altitude Awareness
We use the Altitude Framework to order thinking, communications and storylines.

One of our primary goals is simply to make you aware of 30,000′ and what it means to share the message and story at 30,000’.
Your prospects will engage with you at the level of YOUR choosing. So, if you’re at 3,′ talking about where the architects are placing bathrooms, this will frame the conversation. And, if you’re at 30,000,′ talking about changing and saving lives then the dialogue will reflect that.
One example: We worked with a well-respected social entrepreneur and Ashoka fellow. A driven individual and true visionary, he gets up every morning trying to change the face of poverty. However, whenever he went to make an ‘ask,’ the conversation would turn into a debate about the business model (at 14,000′). The Altitude Framework helped him to see why this was happening.
Being an award-winning social entrepreneur, his message had taken shape around ‘doing business in a different way’, about ‘earned income’, about ‘not relying on philanthropy’ and about being ‘best in the world at being sustainable.’ Naturally, prospects were engaging him at this level. The 30,000′ WHY wasn’t coming through in his message. His story needed to be about being best in the world at changing the face of poverty (30,000′) — first — and then incorporating a different business model (at 14,000′).
The Altitude Framework was a simple tool that made him aware of his 30,000′ message. We’re happy to report his funding conversations changed considerably based on this conscious framing exercise.