No More Proposals
Scenario 1: You are one of the most impactful healthcare organizations in the world. Your vision and priorities are clear. You shared that your investment goes to Research, Education, Service and ask which one they think is most important? They respond, “Service.” You reach in your bag and pull out a PROPOSAL for … RESEARCH. You don’t really care what they want. You’ve already decided what they’re interested in before you met with them.
Scenario 2: You’re a foundation with a lot of money. You have your grant request online, they respond with a PROPOSAL – 30 pages of dense text, small as possible type size, supported by 10 pages of budget and finances. You, then, put this on the four foot pile of other PROPOSALS.
Do either of these scenarios really make any sense? It’s not about PROPOSALS. It is about VISITING and LISTENING and MATCHING the foundation or investor’s interest with the opportunities available. I will never forget asking a large foundation officer, “Before we get started, could you share the most important priorities of the foundation at this time?” Her response was an amazed look followed by, “No one has ever asked me that.”