No More’s
The following is a section specifically directed towards the whole ‘GAME OF FUNDRAISING.’
To grab your attention, we’re issuing an imperative around: NO MORE.

I hope you are seriously challenged by these “NO MORES.” I hope they cause you to squirm, laugh, think and ACT.
I’m using this device as a visual symbol, a way to challenge beg you to STOP doing stuff that you know doesn’t work and START doing stuff that will make a difference. To help with this, I’ve given you a replacement for everything you have ever heard about “traditional fundraising.”
You’ve seen the first one already, but worth repeating here. Take a look at the bottom of this page for more “No Mores.”

Why do we define ourselves in the negative? It makes no sense.
Does your organization exist to not make any money?
Or, does it exist to save lives, change lives and impact lives?

Anyone who has barely even touched the surface of our For Impact thinking knows that right under our Controlling Insight of IMPACT drives INCOME (not the other way around) is the idea that this isNOT about not-for-profit, 501c3, tax-exempt, charity, etc.
We are the only industry/sector which defines itself in the NEGATIVE! (It is the equivalent of Starbucks calling themselves a ‘Not-tea’ company or Southwest saying “We’re in the ‘not-train’ business.”)
Stop defining yourself by what you’re not.
Start defining yourself by what you are for: IMPACT.