
EVERYTHING is a story. It’s up to you to LEAD the story for the organization, for your team, and for your prospects.


1,000 Push Ups

This nugget is from our founder, Tom Suddes, who was the boxing coach at Notre Dame for over 40 years. Her applied our Guiding Principle, Do the Math to a very special workout each season.

Last Tuesday at boxing practice, we did 1,000 push-ups. (It took one hour and 20 minutes; and included a CrossFit core and leg workout in between the sets of push-ups.)

Having done this every year for the last sixteen years, I can tell you that it’s pretty much ‘impossible’ to just say you’re going to do 1,000 push-ups … and then do it.

However, you can do this math: 44 down. (Do sets of 44, 43, 42 … down to 1.)

That equals 990 push-ups.

You can imagine the adrenaline high when you’re finished with that … and you do the remaining 10 push-ups to complete the 1,000!

DO THE MATH is not just about physical accomplishments. We DO THE MATH on every project and every campaign. Then ‘all’ you have to do is execute.


Tom is front row second from the right.