
EVERYTHING is a story. It’s up to you to LEAD the story for the organization, for your team, and for your prospects.


No More Boards


We realize this sounds totally insane. Again, we’re trying to grab your attention and make a point. In the roughly 10,000+ organizations we’ve worked with, we doubt we could find a handful that were truly satisfied with their Board. Most Nonprofit Boards are INEFFECTIVE (in the collective sense). There. We’ve said it. Out loud. It’s probably the same thing you’ve been thinking but aren’t willing to admit.

  • Boards are all about being security and safety (vs GROWTH)
  • Boards are all about sustainability (vs IMPACT)
  • Boards are all about financial reports and 2% yield (vs IMPACT)
  • Boards create complexity (vs SIMPLICITY and getting stuff done)

Though you aren’t running a business, an entrepreneurial spirit is essential to an effective Board. BUT YET, we see it over and over again: the ‘wishy-washy, play it safe, don’t make waves’ Board that wants to show up, meet, disseminate information, and leave.

P.S. We are absolutely ANTI-COMMITTEE. Especially when we hear, “We’re forming a committee tasked with reducing the number of committees.”


We know you need a Board as part of your fiduciary responsibility to your organization. That said, you do not need a Board composed of people looking to get their names on the letterhead and add to their vitae. Find CHAMPIONS and Committed Passionate Advocates (C.P.A.s) who want to help you CHANGE THE WORLD! Look for entrepreneurs, trailblazers, and vision partners. Finding Board Members who exude determination, innovation, and positivity will make maximizing your impact that much easier.

“Getting the RIGHT people on the RIGHT seats on your bus allows you to move in any direction that you want.” – Jim Collins

Download the For Impact Guidebook: On Boards for more insights.